UL60950 data sheet 学习系列(一)
此为一adapter,Rated input: 100-240V 0.35A 50/60Hz Single PhaseRated output: 5V 2A
Maximum Output Power: 10W
Maximum Ambient: 40 C(度)
希望安规前辈能对data sheet中的点进行讲解(标准的理解,本项测试的本质,每项被测数据的测试方法,仪器选用的原则,测试过程中的注意事项),以供大家交流讨论以及新人学习之用,谢谢! –MAXIMUM OUTPUT VOLTAGE, CURRENT, AND VOLT-AMPERE MEASUREMENT TESTMETHODA sample of power supply, Model ______was connected to _240_.The following parameters for each output were measured: A:The maximum peak output voltage (V) under any resistive loading condition. B:The maximum rms output current (A) under any resistive loading condition 60 seconds. C:The maximum volt-Ampere (VA) under any resistive loading condition 60 seconds.RESULTS
Output testedMaximumHAZ/EL
NOTES TO LAB:1. Output which exceeds 240VA is considered to be hazardous energy level (HAZ/EL).2. Indicate the load used for each test condition.NOTES TO ENGINEER:1. Indicating loading condition (s) for output (s) not under test.2. These measurements are to be taken for QQGQ2 Guiducard information. Addition testing in the end-use application may be necessary to determine if an energy hazard exists.
楼主内容有点少吧,:o luqing_sz 发表于 2012-2-18 14:55 static/image/common/back.gif
呵 如题:学习系列(一),所以有可能一个测试是一方面 对于新人来说很有用的,谢谢LZ。 其实UL的DS是很好的学习资料,只要你每句话都看懂,测试就会了 craigyu 发表于 2012-2-20 11:34 static/image/common/back.gif
同意楼上的,每个测试都讲的很详细,测试要求,测试方法都有 这是一个MAXVA的测试,第一个格是各路输出,第二格是空载电压,第三格是60秒内最大电流,第三个格是60秒内最大输出va 最后一格是是否存在危险,是否不超过240VA 这个貌似是做测试最基础的吧 不错的帖子,从基础开始,希望高人多来指点,我是新人,我期待