带有可以站人附件的割草机取什么名称合适,请大侠提议。英语名称是“SULKY UNIT"
希望版主对有参考价值的回答给予加分!!!!!!!! 除了站立式,或者乘坐式,我确实想不出好名字,恕才疏学浅,对与有价值的名字,为相应楼主的要求,将加10分,最有价值的加1个安规威望。 单座两轮马车式产品
这个MS比较形象。 乘载式割草机。 “载”字怎么解呢?
与“乘骑式”又怎么不同呢? 去掉附件应该就是“步进控制式” 步进控制式 引用第6楼jhe111于2009-04-20 13:40发表的:
错了! 引用第4楼kingfan于2009-04-20 13:27发表的:
载: 搭载,装载的意思。
骑: 跨坐的意思。
所以,对这器具,可站或坐,用乘载式的称谓更为合适。 Types of sulkies
The following are types of sulkies:
I. Two wheels with close pivot (less than 152 mm (6 in) from machine), stand-on;
II. Single wheel with extended pivot (more than 152 mm (6 in) from machine), stand on;
III. Two wheels with extended pivot (more than 152 mm (6 in) from machine), stand on;
IV. Two caster wheel, stand-on;
V. Skid plate, stand-on;
VI. Single caster wheel, sit down;
VII. Two caster wheels, sit down;
VIII. Two steerable wheels, sit down;
IX. Two wheels with close pivot (less than 152 mm (6 in) from machine), sit down; and
X. Combinations of any of the above