PDSH 003/06.m LEDs used as a light source in luminaires
http://decisions.iecee.org/icons/ecblank.gif PDSH 003/06.m
LEDs used as a light source in luminaires
60825-1(ed.1) & EN 60825-1:1994
Standard: IEC/EN 60598-1
IEC 60825-1/1993 (*)
EN 60825-1/1994 (#)
Sub clause: General
Sheet N°: 003/06.m
Page: 1(1)
Subject: LEDs used as a light source
in luminaires
Key words:
- LEDs
- Harmful radiation
- Light intensity
To be approved at
CTL 45th meeting
Question: Due to possible harmful radiation, what requirements are to be applied to LEDs?
Decision: In principle, apply the requirements given in IEC/EN 60825-1 (*)-(#). However
in order to avoid expensive measurements, luminaires provided with LEDs
should be treated as follows:
- If the light intensity is low, i.e. from a conventional LED for indication or signalling
purposes, the LED is most likely comparable with a laser of Class 1 according to IEC/EN
60825-1 (*)-(#) and consequently there is no need for measurements. During the
judgement, the covers, optics and similar parts that can be removed by hand, shall be
removed. In the TRF, it is indicated that the light intensity has been judged to comply
with the limits given for Class 1 lasers in IEC/EN 60825-1 (*)-(#) and that no
measurement is made.
- In all other cases the luminaire manufacturer shall be asked to provide a declaration based
on relevant tests (e.g. from the LEDs manufacturer) showing that the radiation from the
LED module does not exceed the values given in IEC/EN 60825-1 (*)-(#) for Class 1
or1M lasers with or without optics. In the TRF, it is indicated that judgement is based on
manufacturer’s declaration.
- If such a declaration is not provided or if judgement not possible, the measurements
given in IEC/EN 60825-1 (*)-(#) shall be performed. In the TRF, it is indicated that
measurements have been performed. For luminaires containing light sources providing
radiation according to Class 2 lasers, the luminaire shall be treated as a laser source
according to IEC/EN 60825-1 (*)-(#) and comply with the requirements given in that
Information about the action taken in relation to the LED radiation should be provided in the
square “Summary of testing” on page 2 of the relevant TRF.
(*) + A1/1997 + A2/2001
(#) + A1/2002 + A2/2001