有人清楚局放测试在做太阳能逆变器认证时怎么做的吗?用哪款设备?本帖最后由 清水白菜 于 2012-9-25 13:58 编辑
In addition, double and reinforced insulation shall withstand the partial discharge test according to 7.5.3, if the recurring peak working voltage across the insulation is greater than 700 V and the voltage stress on the insulation is greater than 1 kV/mm.
Compliance is shown by impulse withstand voltage test according to 7.5.1 and the a.c. or d.c. voltage test according to 7.5.2, and partial discharge testing according to 7.5.3 if applicable.
Starting from a voltage below the rated discharge voltage UPD a, the voltage shall be linearly increased to 1,875 times UPD and held for a maximum time of 5 s
The voltage shall then be linearly decreased to 1,5 times UPD (± 5 %) and held for a maximum time of 15 s, during which the partial discharge is measured
The test shall be considered to have been successfully passed if the partial discharge is less than 10 pC during the measurement period
来学习:) UPD 是哪个电压? ok_hmh 发表于 2012-9-27 11:28 static/image/common/back.gif
UPD 是哪个电压?
被绝缘物隔离的两边带电体的电压最大值 局部放电只针对起保护隔离的固体绝缘进行,在器件级别进行即可.