旅行时你是一定要花钱的,在小摊买一瓶水是花钱,在设计师商店刷爆信用卡也是花钱。大多数时候,你只要把要买的东西递给收银员就可以付钱了,但也有些时候,你要问清楚状况才能交出你的血汗钱不是? •I'm just browsing. 我只是随便看看。 •Do you have this in a bigger / smaller size? 有大一码、小一码的吗? •Can I try this on, please? 可以试穿吗? •Where are the changing rooms? 试衣间在哪里? •Is this refundable? 可以退还吗? •Does this come with a guarantee? 有保修书吗? •Would you recommend this [name of item]? 可以推荐一款(某东西)吗? • Do you have anything cheaper than this? 有没有便宜一点的? • Can you give me a little deal on this ? 这能卖得便宜一点吗? •Can I have this gift-wrapped, please? 可以帮我包成礼物吗? 不要为没买东西而感到有压力。你可以这么说: •Thanks for your help. I might come back later. 谢谢你的帮忙。我还想再看看。