由此,在英语中遗留下来a Procrustean bed这个成语,亦做the Procrustes' bed或the bed of Procrustes,常用以表示an arrangement or plan that produces uniformity by violent and arbitrary measures之意。按其形象意义,这个成语与汉语成语“削足适履”、“截趾穿鞋”颇相同;也类似俗语“使穿小鞋”、“强求一律”的说法
eg:I didn't put forth the plan as a Procrustean bed,to which exact conformity is to be indispensable.
Don't stretch the facts to fit the Procrustean bed.
由此,人们常用a Gordian knot比喻a knot difficult or impossibe to unite;the difficult problem or task.
eg:We must try to solve the problem even if it is really a Gordian knot.
The knot which you thought a Gordian one will untie it before you.
13.Cut the Gordian Knot
Cut the Gordian Knot直译“斩断戈耳迪之结”,源自上篇的同一典故。
佛律基亚(Phrygia)的国王戈耳迪,用乱结把轭系在他原来使用过的马车的辕上,其结牢固难解,神谕凡能解开此结者,便是亚洲之君主。好几个世纪过去了,没有人能解开这个结。公元前3世纪时,古希腊罗马的马其顿国王亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great,公元前356-323),在成为希腊各城邦的霸主后,大举远征东方。公元前334年,他率领进入小亚细亚,经过佛律基亚时,看到这辆马车。有人把往年的神谕告诉他,他也无法解开这个结。为了鼓舞士气,亚历山大拔出利剑一挥,斩断了这个复杂的乱结,并说:“我就是这样解开的”因此,to cut the Gordian knot 就是意味着to solve a complicated difficulty by quick and drastic action;to end a difficulty by using a vigorous or violent method;to solve a problem by force.按其形象意义,这个成语与汉语成语“快刀斩乱麻”,“大刀阔斧,果断处置”十分相似。
eg:They have decided to cut the Gordian knot to wipe out the enemy at a blow.
Jean is afraid of everything,How can she cut the Gordian knot in her work?
14.Bone of The Bone and Flesh of the Flesh
Bone of The Bone and Flesh of the Flesh直译"骨中之骨,肉中之肉",出自<圣经>中关于上帝造人的神话.
据<旧约•创世纪>第2章叙述:太初之际,混沌未开,耶和华上帝开天辟地.第一天耶和华创造了白天和夜晚;第二天创造了天空和风云;第三天创造了高山峻岭.平原河流,以及富饶的土地和芳香的花果;第四天他又创造了太阳.月亮和星辰,确定年岁.季节.月份和日期;第五天他创造了各种形状和大小的鱼类和飞禽;第六天他才创造了各种陆上动物,然后他按照自己的形象用地上的尘土造出一个男人,名叫亚当(Adam),这就是神话中人类的始祖.后来,耶和华见押当独居无伴侣帮助他,于是,趁亚当沉睡的时候,从他身上取下一根肋骨造成了一个女人叫夏娃(Eve),领到他面前,亚当说:"This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh"(这是我骨中之骨,肉中之肉)。从此两人结为夫妻
Bone of The Bone and Flesh of the Flesh常用来比喻血缘上的亲属关系或思想上的团结一致,即as close as flesh and blood;to be inseperately linked to each other等的意思。
eg:Our army is bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the people.
The I.W.W was bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the floating workers.(W.Fosterages from a Worker's Life.)
15.Adam's Apple喉结
亚当是圣经中人类的始祖,而苹果的历史比人类的历史还悠久。在世界各文明古国的民间故事和神话传说中,苹果都是受人喜爱的一种果实。英语中有个谚语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.但据圣经故事上说,苹果也给人类带来了麻烦,男人的喉结就是因吃苹果引起的。
由此,人们用to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage短语,来比喻to exchange something of lasting value for something that is of value for a short time only;to suffer a big loss for a little gain.这个成语常缩略为for a mess of pottage的形式。有时也可用to sell one's birthrights.
eg:It was argued that joining the Common Market...would be giving away her national rights and advantages for a mess of pottage.
There are many,many people who are willing to prostitute their intelligence for a mess of pottage.