EN 61010-1 第5.1.4章
For any fuse which may be replaced by an OPERATOR, there shall be a marking beside the fuseholder, which will enable the OPERATOR to identify the correct replacement fuse (see 5.4.5)
第5.4.5 章
The rating and characteristics of replaceable fuses shall be stated 作者: 踏雪寻梅_33 时间: 2015-8-4 09:41
leaphile 发表于 2015-8-4 01:42
谢谢您 作者: 明天我 时间: 2015-11-24 08:53
踏雪寻梅_33 发表于 2015-8-4 09:41
我见过的都是第二种方式作者: martin_cheng 时间: 2015-11-24 09:24
我印象中,标准中规范的标示也应该是第一种哦,即T10A H 250V。