前几天做一个UPS电源的认证,UPS通过交流电源供电,当交流电源停止供电自动转为直流电池供电维持工作,请问,除正常的交流电需要测漏电流外,直流供电需要做吗?我们测漏电流时用228表测零线和外壳之间的电流,但直流没有零火线之分,如果要做怎么做?如不做,请说明原因及标准出处。(电源做CE认证,标准:EN60950)本帖最后由 329485466 于 2012-4-20 23:19 编辑
从漏电流的途径分析直流是没漏电流的,建议做个反向馈电保护测试,参考EN62040,UL1778 CE用228测漏电流有问题吧,228测漏电流UL标准用的啊 abu013 发表于 2012-4-21 10:16 static/image/common/back.gif
是的,CE测的是电压(U1小于35V,U2小于35mV),实际情况是客户生产的是10KV电源,我们实验室没有这么大电源,就直接去他们工厂,由于我们的仪器没带那么多,他们那里只有228表,就借用了一下。 这贴得跟着,最近也在做UPS,学习学习。。。顺便问一下,,那个LCC与反馈保护怎么扯到一起去的?? UPS直流供电需要做接触电流测试吗?
有反馈保护的就不需要了,没有反馈保护的是不合格的UPS。所以结论是不需要做touch current测试,依据RD clause 5.1Equipment that is designed for multiple connections to the AC MAINS SUPPLY, only one of which is required at a time, shall be tested with only one connection.ONLY 连接到ac电网才需要测试touch current.
1.3 General requirements
Additional subclause:
1.3.101 The frame or chassis of the equipment shall not be used to carry current other than the allowable touch current as determined in the test specified in 5.1 of the RD.
FF.1 General
A UPS shall not allow excessive touch currents to be available between any pairs of input terminals of the UPS during its STORED ENERGY MODE of operation. Where the measured open circuit voltage does not exceed 30 V rms (42.4 V peak, 60 V d.c.), the touch current measurement need not be taken.