EN60598-14.12.1外壳的 螺丝扭力测试要求是0.4nm,螺丝扭力计调到约4.0kgf.cm处扭螺丝,扭到什么地步,扭到螺丝扭力计保护还是怎样,最后如何判定合格性,螺丝断、滑牙、塑胶壳穿孔......? 扭力螺丝刀会出现“嘀嗒”声音为止 keven2012 发表于 2012-4-6 18:25 static/image/common/back.gif扭力螺丝刀会出现“嘀嗒”声音为止
最后如何判定合格性,螺丝断、滑牙、塑胶壳穿孔......? 去看下标准的第四章吧,说的很清楚 扭力起子锁到40N·CM位置,开始拧螺丝到有“哒哒”响声为止,螺丝不能出现发丝,同时“十字槽”不能有损坏 还没有等到扭力起子有“哒哒”响声,螺丝头已陷进塑胶里去了。我这个螺钉是塑胶外壳的螺丝,和标准内的要求好象又不相干,所以难判定。 shenhao168 发表于 2012-4-7 10:32 static/image/common/back.gif
还没有等到扭力起子有“哒哒”响声,螺丝头已陷进塑胶里去了。我这个螺钉是塑胶外壳的螺丝,和标准内的要求 ...
那就是有问题了 Compliance is checked by inspection, and screws and nuts transmitting contact pressure or
which are likely to be tightened by the user shall be tightened and loosened five times. Screws
and nuts of insulating material shall be removed completely during each operation of loosening
of the screws. During the test, no damage impairing the further use of the fixing or screwed connection shall occur. After the test, it shall still be possible to introduce the screw or nutmade of insulation material in the intended manner 拧紧和旋松各5次,所谓拧紧,就是听到“哒哒”响即可,接下来就是(完全)旋松。
判据:上述试验后,螺钉仍然可以(像原来那样)拧紧进入螺孔,正常使用。否则就NG. 拧紧和旋松5次,每次拧紧时听到扭力起子“哒哒”声就可停下再旋松,拧完以后螺钉不能滑牙、断裂或沉入螺钉孔内。反之则合格