jia_suwei 发表于 2012-3-24 14:11


NFPA 70里的一段话,不明白,请各位英语达人解答:
Tracer in Braid. A tracer in a braid of any color contrasting
with that of the braid and no tracer in the braid of
the other conductor or conductors. No tracer shall be used
in the braid of any conductor of a flexible cord that contains
a conductor having a braid finished to show white or gray.

包子 发表于 2012-3-26 16:53

跟示踪剂有关系么? 最好贴出条款,NFPA 70是工具书,不是让翻译的,你这一摘,语境都没了

包子 发表于 2012-4-12 10:18

NEC 400.22零线的识别,零线需要做到同其他电缆区分,方法A-F. A有色编织电缆 B 示踪剂 C 有色绝缘皮 D有色隔离器 E 导线镀锡 F表面标记。 咨询过UL62和UL758的线材厂商,UL62基本都是使用C方法。
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