catfelix 发表于 2012-1-5 08:37

The railway system's online booking system -- Sucks!

春运将至,中国铁道部日前启动网络售票系统,但很多旅客在网上购票时遭遇“系统忙”而无法登陆网站。还有多名旅客称网购火车票已支付成功,但到现场取票却发现系统内没有购票记录。请看《中国日报》的报道:The railway system's online booking system has begun to show its vulnerability - and at times has been unable to issue tickets that were paid for - as the massive wave of travelers during Spring Festival approaches.随着春运客流高峰的到来,铁路网上订票系统开始出现漏洞,旅客经常遭遇火车票已支付,却不能出票的情况。文中的online booking system就是指“网上订票系统”,铁道部表示在2011年年底前所有列车都将实现online purchasing(网上购票),同时在春运前完成system upgrade(系统升级),在全国范围内推行telephone booking(电话订票)业务。此前铁道部已宣布,2011年11月20日起所有non-stop trains(直达特快列车)(Z字头)将实现web sales of train tickets(网络售票),12月10日起所有express trains(特快列车)(T字头)实现互联网售票。此外铁道部表示,将逐步扩大ID-based ticket booking system(火车实名制) 实行范围,以遏制“ticket scalper(黄牛/票贩子)”ticket touting/scalping(倒票)的行为。

catfelix 发表于 2012-1-5 08:37

The railway system's online booking system -- Sucks!

endurance 发表于 2012-1-6 09:22

It really sucks!
I spent almost 30m trying to log on to the booking system, but the result turned out to be so frustrating,
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