power <25W 的 LED 是否測試 EN 61000-3-2
關於 power <25W 的 LED 是否測試 EN 61000-3-2IEC decision:
A LED cannot be considered as an incandescent lamp, neither as discharge lamp. The clause 7.3 b of the standard give requirements for discharge lighting equipment with active power less than 25 W and these requirements are not applicable to LED. A future standard should contain a separate clause for LED based lighting after the influence of this new technology to the mains is known and/or the relation between current and voltage should be measured first as part of the new standard. 这个话题好像已经讨论过。 不需要的 不用测 25W以下只针对放电灯,LED灯可以不测 不需要~ 学习了 不需要测试的。 再有一个金币就可以下载了 再有一个金币就可以下载了