测试条件如下:1 产品为S.R.C.D类型的插座
2 测试波形参数为1.2/50us---8/20us
3 产品做CE认证,出售英国.
请问: 1 测试参数是否为 共模 4000V,差模 2000V
2 测试后是怎么判定的. 是不能脱扣?.....还是可以脱扣,只要功能正常就可以.
查了一下相关的标准...IEC 61543 中说的是可以脱扣.
GB17626.5对应的IEC61004-4.5 也是可以.
但.......EN 61543中的表5 判定却是不能....
请大家帮我.... 最好问问你的客户,他们用的标准是哪个,不然你是白费力气的,
(俺吃过好几次亏,按标准测试完了,人家不认同。) According to EN 61543:1995+A1+A2+A3:
In table 5, T2.3a have a note 1 to PRCD & SRCD,
Note 1 include the following statement:
For SRCDs and PRCDs the performance criterion is given in 5.1.3 and only T2.3a has to be performed.
5.1.3 During the test making reference to this performance criterion the RCD may trip.
Per my understanding, trip is allowed. butIhave no that standard you mentioned above EN 61543:1995+A1+A2+A3: will you share it with us. i searched it ,but finally ,i can only found the edition of 1996. 龙王已经发了在这里很久:
http://www.angui.org/read.php?tid-83463.html oh my god ,i 'm so careless that i haven't found out that statement espcially for the SRCDs and PRCDs since i check it again. thanks for your help.H-RH.you are so kind.