但根据Guidelines accompanying Commission Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 of 17 December 2008 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for standby and off-mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household equipment 中问题12规定:
12. Q.: Is "delayed start" to be considered "standby"? 延期开始是否考滤为待机?
A.: It shall not because it does not last for an indefinite time. 不是,因为它不能持续无定限的时间。
但TUV SUD判我预约状态为Standby模式,2013年需要符合1W的要求(不带信息显示);2013后需要符合0.5W的要求(不带信息显示)。他们的依据如下:
根据 “Guidelines accompanying Commission Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 of
17 December 2008 implementing Directive 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for standby and off-mode electric power consumption of electrical and electronic household equipment”中关于STANDBY MODE的解释如下:
“Standby” mode(s)
This mode defines the status in which household and office equipment is connected to a
mains power source and offers only one or more of the following functions:
- to facilitate the activation of other modes (including active mode) by remote switch
(including remote control), internal sensor, timer
-continuous function: information or status displays including clocks