有关转换器的额定电流与电压问题是标示的,插头部分的的额定值在插头上这点我们可以看到,如250V 16A AC转换器插孔处的额定值我们也可以清楚地在插孔找到,如16/250或2.5/250字样。
是不是那个例如 MAX 3000W 230V AC字样吗?
下面文字为IEC 60884-2-5中有关Rating的原文。
6 Ratings
This clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:
Add the following subclauses:
6.101 The rated voltage of adaptors shall not be lower than that of the relevant socket-outlet which can accept the adaptor.
6.102 The rated current of an adaptor shall be:
- the rated current of the plug portion of the adaptor;
- the sum of the rated currents of the plugs which can be inserted into the adaptor,
whichever is the lower.
6.103 Fused adaptors shall have a minimum rating equivalent to the rating of the fuse fitted in accordance with the marking.
6.104 The rated current of each of the socket-outlet portions of the adaptors shall be equal to or greater than the maximum value of the rated current of any plug which can be inserted into it.
6.105 The rated current of intermediate adaptors with integral control devices, shall be equal to the rated rrent of the control device, or to the rated current of the socket-outlet into which it is intended to fit, whichever is the lower.
Compliance with the requirements of 6. 101 to 6. 104 is checked by inspection. MAX 3000W 230V AC
标在侧面即可. 正常使用插头插座后还可以看到该最大功率. 引用第1楼yinzi于2011-08-26 14:49发表的:
MAX 3000W 230V AC
标在侧面即可. 正常使用插头插座后还可以看到该最大功率.
你弄错了,我问的是转换器的额定值在哪里? 其实按照道理, 插头插座的额定值 可以不标。 因为插头插座的形式都固定死了,你标不标都是这个尺寸的插头插座。
但大家都标,你不标就有问题了。按照市场的流行格式, 转换器的插头部分插合面上标 额定电流 额定电压 交流符号
转换器的插座部分 额定电流 额定电压 交流符号标在孔里或孔附近,整个转换器外壳显眼处标最大功率 使用电压(不用标电流 如果标 有重复嫌疑因为 功率=电压X电流有时候算不好 就冲突)