UL1598 CLS 16.5.8 gasket老化测试
有UL认证的gasket是否可以不用做这个测试? 这个测试是在垫圈温度超过标准要求之后才需要做的测试,如果在正常温升测试时,垫圈的温度符合Table14的要求,那就不需要做,或者提供有UL认证的塑胶料,温度可以满足测试要求的,都不需要做下面的这个测试。 A gasket or bushing shall be made of material as specified in Table 14.1.2, Item 20, and shall have a temperature rating suitable for the operating temperature, as determined by the normal temperature test of Clause 14, or shall withstand:
(a) the luminaire gasket assembly accelerated aging test of Clause 16.5.8, with the gasket or
bushing installed as intended in the luminaire; or
(b) the gasket accelerated aging test of Clause 16.5.9 or 16.5.10, for the gasket or bushing