来源:中国国门时报 在RAPEX上基本上有很大部分是因为这些小绳而WITHDRAW
Strangulation //
The product poses a risk of strangulation due to the presence of drawstrings in the hood. The drawstrings can easily become entangled in fixed objects if the child is moving quickly.
The product does not comply with the relevant European standard EN 14682.
Choking //
The product poses a risk of choking because the decorative rhinestones detach easily and can be swallowed by a child.
Choking, Strangulation and Injuries
The product poses a risk of:
- choking because the decorative rhinestones detach easily and can be swallowed by a child,
- strangulation and injuries as it has cords with free ends in the neck area.
The product does not comply with the relevant European standard EN 14682. 从细节做起~ 那样的设计容易出事故 童装估计从来就没这概念 做衣服的去哪能有安规概念哦