图中最左边的 selectreports to assemble1.1到1.7 选择...去安装....安装什么呢.不明白,谁能帮我解释下,另外,我们经常说的UL的datasheet就是这个东西吗,还有没有包括别的呀. 这个是MyHome里的下载界面啊,可以下datasheet的 是的,确实是UL的下载界面,但是不是当中那些 description和那些test records 就是我们经常 所说的UL datasheet 呀, 直接点击蓝色下划线的字体,就可以下载。 我已经下载了,是否这些就是所谓的datasheet .还有其它的东西吗... 外面的人可以在UL的官网下到datasheet? 不是的,我有自己的账号呵呵.只是对里面的东西不是很熟悉...... LZ有自己的账号,怎么申请的? Yes, it includes the UL FUS procedure, and test records of your UL file. 引用第7楼非常百事可乐于2011-07-26 11:35发表的:LZ有自己的账号,怎么申请的?
Firstly, you need to apply for an account through UL website, then let the gatekeeper release the authorization to you for specified Subcriber No.
Anyway, if you still can not do it by yourself, you can resort the help of UL-CCIC suzhou office, or ask the help of your local Inspection center engineer, for example, if you located in Jiangsu province, then you can discuss this question with Nanjing IC inspector, and let them instruct you how to do it and how to get it, there's a detailed instruction file...