急!各位:VDE电缆上印标志,是否只需印:型号规格/制造商信息/电压/VDE标志?对于字的尺寸,还有上述几者之间的排序与间隔有严格规定吗?好像找不到参考的信息~大家帮帮忙。Tks in advance~ VDE标志+型号+规格+电压伏级+制造商信息就可以了,没有严格的字的大小几间距的规定,但是总字距(就是第一个字组的最后一个字母与第二个字组的第一个字母)印在护套外的应该不大于550mm,印在芯线上的不大于275mm。 3.1 Indication of origin and cable identificationCables shall be provided with an indication of the manufacturer, which shall be either an
identification thread or a repetitive marking of the manufacturer's name or trade-mark.
Cables for use at a conductor temperature exceeding 70 °C shall also be marked either with
the code designation or with the maximum conductor temperature.
Marking may be by printing or by reproduction in relief on or in the insulation or sheath.
3.1.1 Continuity of marks
Each specified mark shall be regarded as continuous if the distance between the end of the
mark and the beginning of the next identical mark does not exceed
– 550 mm if the marking is on the outer sheath of the cable;
– 275 mm if the marking is
a) on the insulation of an unsheathed cable;
b) on the insulation of a sheathed cable;
c) on a tape within a sheathed cable.
3.2 Durability
Printed markings shall be durable. Compliance with this requirement shall be checked by the
test given in 1.8 of IEC 60227-2.
3.3 Legibility
All markings shall be legible.
The colours of the identification threads shall be easy to recognize or easily made
recognizable, if necessary, by cleaning with petrol or other suitable solvent. 还是多了解安规就没有这么多问题了 Sure,各位兄长教诲,小女谨记了~其实我最想问的是:电压是否可印可不印都Okay, 标准上好像并没有说O 谢~ 各位兄台,大家今天工作都很忙,黑色星期一嘛。不过,还是请知道的帮我确认下:VDE 印子电压是否可印可不印都Okay? 因为好像标准没严格规定,而线的型号规格本来就表明了电压,比如H07~应该指电压450V/700V吧 最好都印的!VDE也没有强制性的要求的! 一般在欧规线材的品名中包含,VOLTAGE信息所以就没特殊的要求,但是为了直观起见还是要印上的毕竟要使用的客户群不是专业人事. hang5677兄,一般在欧规线材的品名中包含,VOLTAGE信息,VOLTAGE信息是什么信息,可否解释一下?多谢~新年快乐。 8樓所講的VOLTAGE信息應該是指像300/300、300/500、450/750這類的電壓等級訊息