ELV (extra low voltage)
voltage which does not exceed 50 V a.c. r.m.s. or 120 V ripple free d.c. between conductors, or
between any conductor and earth
SELV (safety extra low voltage)
ELV in a circuit which is insulated from the mains supply by an insulation not less than that
between the primary and secondary circuits of a safety isolating transformer according to
IEC 61558-2-6 or equivalent
是否可以触及还要根据漏电流和空载电压等测试才能判断 是否带电应该根据60598 附录A去做判断。
但我个人认为碰到SELV是可以的 防触电试验中,selv是可以不绝缘 这个还要依靠短路链试验 假如是SELV部件,就可以直接触碰,Annex A也会符合,即使你取最大值120VDC,串一个2000欧电阻,所得的电流远小于0.7mA。