一次会上有人提到说,灯具中AC跟DC有专用的电线..........这个我一直没有接触过这方面的资料,请哪位大大给下帮助...问:灯具中AC跟DC有专用的电线吗?如果有请问参考资料是什么?谢谢 难道是电阻率和导电系数会好点? 没听说过.
对电线来说, 只要电压温度参数满足就可以了吧, 除非有特定的使用环境 3.2.12
Leads (tails) used for the connection to extra low voltage d.c. supply, shall be colour coded red
to indicate its intended connection to the positive termination, and shall be colour coded black
to indicate its intended connection to the negative termination.
Fixed terminations, when applied, shall be marked with the "+" sign to indicate the positive connection, and shall be
marked with the "–" sign to indicate the negative connection.
是否是这个意思? AC是交流电的;
DC是直流电的意思吧! 主要是看参数 还有线径