IEC/EN 60598保护导体电流测试
请问根据最新的IEC/EN 60598-1标准中附录G中的要求,只有对高频保护导体电流的加权电路,请问低频灯具需要测吗?如何测?LED灯属于高频还是低频的? 不得不承认,我只测试touch current 而忽视了保护导体电流 测试条件(1)The protective conductor current is measured with the luminaire connected as described in 12.4.1.(2) the measuring network in Figure G.4, with A and B connected in Figure G.1 between the PE conductor of the luminaire and the earth connection is used.
(3)The measuring network for touch current is disconnected.
不知道有没有人测过? 一直都想明确这个测试的答案,但到现在还是没确定下来,希望大家踊跃讨论此问题,早日有个明确的答案,谢谢!