能源之星疑问——Challenge Testing
各位大师:能源之星认证重测里有一项为挑战测试,EPA人员说是竞争对手提出的,请问需具备什么条件才可以对竞争对手的产品提出挑战测试?谢谢! 这个挑战肯定是有条件资格的,不然谁都去挑战,那不乱糟糟了。根据我看到的资里,好像没有提及挑战条件这一说法,可以将疑问反馈给EPA。 我有收集一份关于能源之星的资料,里面有说的。可以参考下1、其他能源之星伙伴提出的挑战测试
4、挑战者及被挑战者将样品准备好后才被通知,以确保样品采购过程不会受到影响 如下是Energy Star网站上找到的一个文档中对挑战测试的解释。
Challenge Testing
Have in place a challenge testing procedure, and contractual provisions for challenge testing.
A challenge may be initiated only when the CB has conveyed details of the challenge to the challengee, or confirmed the challenger has independently done so,4 and the CB received the following:
Identification of the challenged model number; and,
Identification of the challenged parameters and the basis for the challenge. This basis may be but is not limited to marketing material that claims better performance than the data the CB has on record, or the results from a product test the challenger performs on its own, and for which it pays without reimbursement by the CB no matter the results of the CB’s subsequent challenge test.
Upon the failure of a product to meet the performance requirements of the relevant ENERGY STAR product specification, the CB shall notify the ENERGY STAR partner and EPA within two business days.