不合格说明如下,请各位吹吹如何改善,内架和端子都为GEM认证专用的:20Normal operation
After the test (2000 strokes with rated current and 6000 strokes without current flowing) the electric
strength test as specified in clause 15.3, reduced to 1500 V has not been fulfilled.
Flashovers between the contact tubes and a metal foil at the engagement face of the connector have
been occurred at 800 V, 1200 V and 1500 V.
Flashover between the contact tubes occurred at 1450 V.
在1450V时连接铜管产生闪烁。 铜管材质有问题,弹性不好。 有没有高手还有不同看法? 这么多天了没有高手出来呀,自己发表,呵呵
我请教了高手,可能是两个原因,一是材料,二是模具(制作工艺) 成型压力和内架也有关系,关键要看内架是不是已经变形。 铜套弹性太小,摩擦掉太多铜削,电测闪络。