Touch current 测试的疑问
另外,simpson228表,计量频率范围应该是多少,我手头的计量报告只有60Hz的,合理吗? U2本身就是低通滤波电路,表的频响差异应不大,估计是波形问题,也是真有效值电压表和峰值检波电压表之间的差别。用正弦波计量,结果是一样的准。 为什么simpson228测的是有效值?touch ccurrent 要求测量的是peak voltage simpson228测到的只是低频的部分,高频的部分已经被U2过滤掉了,再说,U2是peak值,尖峰的波形一般都是高频(就是开关管的频率),只有示波器才能测得到,你取的峰值是多少就取决于你的观察了,所有有20%误差很正常,只要不超,就没问题,这两种测量方法本身就没有可比性,个人觉得深入研究意义不大。simpson228校准到60Hz足够了。 楼上说的很对,两者之间本身就没有可比较性,只要测试通过就OK,不可能达到一致的 现在问题就出在差了这20%,一个结果合格,另一个不合格,很尴尬。
另外你们说的U2 peak值,那是60065标准里面的
60950要求的限值是按rms表示的,我是用数字示波器直接读U2有效值除以500,这个方法没问题吧? 5.1.6 Test measurements
Either the r.m.s. value of the voltage, U2, is measured using the measuring instrument of
Figure D.1, or the r.m.s. value of the current is measured using the measuring instrument of
Figure D.2.
The D.1 instrument gives a more accurate measurement than the D.2 instrument if the
waveform is non-sinusoidal and the fundamental frequency exceeds 100 Hz.
Alternatively, the peak value of the voltage, U2, is measured using the measuring instrument
described in Clause D.1.
If the voltage, U2, is measured using the measuring instrument described in Clause D.1, the
following calculation is used:
TOUCH CURRENT (A) = U2 / 500
NOTE Although r.m.s. values of TOUCH CURRENT have traditionally been measured, peak values provide better
correlation with the response of the human body to non-sinusoidal current waveforms.
None of the values measured in accordance with 5.1.6 shall exceed the relevant limits in
Table 5A, except as permitted in 2.4 (see also 1.5.6 and 1.5.7) and 5.1.7.