如题,请教下大侠,遥控电子蜡烛灯是否需要相关的认证呢? 出口欧洲 做CE美国 FCC 请和我联系,看你们公司的产品电压是多少,在提供具体的咨询! 带有遥控器的吗?是有线的还是无线的?灯要做认证,遥控器也要有认证.每个认证要求也不同..CE如果是低压的就只做EMC就好.. 是无线的遥控器,楼上的意思就是只要使用的LED灯和遥控器有认证证书,整个蜡烛灯就无需再要求相关认证了是吗? If your wireless remote control (无线遥控) is the RF type, the R&TTE Directive is applicable for the EU market and the FCC Certification should be done for the US market. Please note the there is the Restricted Band defined in the FCC Regulation Part 15. That means your operating frequency of your remote control should not use such the restricted frequency. 我看只用做EMC和RTTE,不涉及到LVD吧(50-1000VAC,75-1500VDC)