各位达人,请教一个问题。EN60598-1 Clause12.3.1 c)里面说到,有非正常状态的灯具耐久做7天,前6天是正常,最后一天非正常。每天关断三个小时。而无非正常状态的灯具耐久需要做10天。
请问,无非正常状态的灯具耐久每天需要关断3小时吗? 不用啊,正常持续工作240个小时就可以了! 问过一个认证公司的安规工程师,说要21小时开,3小时关。标准上说得不太清楚。想听听大家的意见 10*(21+3)
标准中有说到240小时由10个cycles组成。 测试24*10天 不用21+3 两种意见了, c) The luminaire shall be tested in the enclosure for a total duration of 168 h consisting of
seven successive cycles of 24 h. Supply voltage as specified in item d) below shall be
applied to the luminaire for the first 21 h and disconnected for the remaining 3 h of each
cycle. The initial heating period of the luminaire is part of the first test cycle.
The circuit condition shall be as in normal operation for the first six cycles, and as in
abnormal operation (see Annex C) for the seventh cycle. For luminaires containing an
electrical motor (e.g. a fan) the abnormal condition which most adversely affects the result
of the test shall be selected.
For luminaires for which there is no abnormal condition test according to 12.5.1, the total
test duration shall be 240 h (i.e. 10 x 24 cycles at normal operation). For filament
luminaires, the total test duration of 240 h shall apply in all cases.
标准的语句我拷下来了。最后一段的意思实在是没法理解,特别是最后一句,用灯丝灯泡的灯具要怎么做耐久?还请高手解惑。谢谢! 10个cycles,每个cycles21小时开,3小时关。
the total test duration shall be 240 h (i.e. 10 x 24 cycles at normal operation),如果2楼和4楼认为这里的"cycle“和上一段指代的"cycle"不一样,那这里为何不对"cycle"做特定解释。况且,每个cycles点24小时直接点240小时的话,又何必加括号分"10 x 24 cycles"。
就模拟日常使用来说,每24小时关3小时也显得更加合理 楼上说的有点道理。那最后一句,for filament luminaires, the total test duration shall apply in all cases. 是什么意思? 需要21小时开,3小时关。标准有明确的要求。