求助:尾插和耦合器的区别/何为pendant switch/
各位大侠,我有一些疑问,请大家帮忙解答噢/Thanks a lot!1.尾插和耦合器的区别是什么?
2.相对through-cord(线上开关), 何为pendant switch?
3. HAI, CTI, HWI 如何理解? The followings are the definition from UL page for your question no. 3.
High-Current Arc Ignition (HAI)
High-Current Arc Ignition Performance is expressed as the number of arc rupture exposures (standardized as to electrode type and shape and electric circuit) that are necessary to ignite a material when they are applied at a standard rate on the surface of the material.
Comparative Tracking Index (CTI)
Comparative Tracking Index is expressed as that voltage which causes tracking after 50 drops of 0.1 percent ammonium chloride solution have fallen on the material. The results of testing the nominal 3 mm thickness are considered representative of the material's performance in any thickness.
Hot-Wire Ignition (HWI)
Hot-Wire Ignition performance is expressed as the mean number of seconds needed to either ignite standard specimens or to burn through the specimens without ignition. The specimens are wrapped with resistance wire that dissipates a specified level of electrical energy. 谢谢Lz! 根据定义,是否意味着这三个指标的等级越小越好呢,当然等级间也可替代使用,根据相应的产品需要?类似阻燃等级间的替换。Thank you very much! 絕對是越小越好,最少為0,
http://www.ul.com/plastics/hai.html 谢谢wongyatwah!你真好~认识你很开心~~ 见笑!
一般来说, through-cord switch 是指处于电源线中途,用于电流开关,请参巧"through-cord.jpg"。
pendant switch 则是指用电线伸延的控制开关,请参巧 "pendant_u2_01.jpg"。
耦合器,即Opto/Photo coupler, 但亦可是Appliance Coupler之翻译,而Appliance Coupler则是指电
源插,例如 '8字' 插(IEC60320 C7)。
以上乃本人之理解,如有错漏,请指教。 pendant switch:垂悬式开关; 拉线开关
耦合器應當是指器具耦合器吧? 多谢指教! 耦合器,就是一公一母,电流或信号等等的连接,从一方到一方,是一对。 对于耦合器的定义可以参考一下国标上的定义。