琥珀流云 发表于 2010-8-9 16:05


开关电源产品内部线固定问题.对于内部线固定标准上写的For soldered terminations, the conductor shall be positioned or
fixed so that reliance is not placed upon the soldering alone to maintain the conductor in
position. 意思说不能单独靠焊锡来固定导线.
1close-fitting tubing (for example, a heat shrink or rubber sleeve), applied over the
wire and its termination;通过套管,我想问套管怎么固定法
2.conductors connected by soldering and held in place near to the termination,
independently of the soldered connection;焊锡固定加胶固定属于这一条吗?
3.conductors connected by soldering and ²hooked in² before soldering, provided that
the hole through which the conductor is passed is not unduly large;这条应该属于钩焊?
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