想请教下大家,关于线套的爬电怎么测的?从裸露导体量到线套外表面? 打耐压测试呀 楼主能不能说的清楚一点,没听过导线测爬电距离的。一般内部导线是打耐压和弯曲测试的。 不好意思,我是做家电的,对灯具不是很熟,刚才的回答可能不太正确。 去看一下是不是你要的http://baike.baidu.com/view/172357.htm?fr=ala0_1_1 关注中。。。 Are you sure it's needed? I think only insulation resistance test and dielectric strength test are needed, what you mentioned is a total insulation material, we can not call it the creepage or clearance, normally, it's replaced by the thickness requirements( and verified by the tests which I mentioned before.)... 这个也有爬电距离?? 标准60598-1中11.2.1中有这么一句“When creepage distance and clearances are determined at bushings, cord
anchorages, wire carriers or clips, the measurement shall be made with the cable fitted.”