DC/DC电源中,其输入端子如果没有认证,是自己去开模的,那么可以通过认证吗?根据是什么?请高手解答。 这种不规则的端子,可能会按照连接器来做的,没有认证就会给你来个随机测试。 具體產品具體評估,主要看你的輸入端子電壓是否安全低電,是否會構成危險 引用第1楼waagw于2010-06-28 14:21发表的:
Yes, some additional tests will be done combined with the final products in order to verify its safety characteristics... 不会单独做认证,但会和终端产品一起做随机测试 For example, as a power supply cords' supplier, and the UL approval exists, normally, there are two UL files, one is for the whole power cords(which's covered by UL817), and the other is the SP file is for the attachment plugs, at this time the attachment plugs are made by the manufacturer itself. 如果有塑胶材料的UL电气性能黄卡也是没问题的巴? 补充一下:此电源是-36 to -76V输入的,有危险能量存在,主要是考虑做UL时,要考虑到美洲的差异,UL可能把其看作field wiring,这样UL肯定是过不了的。对于这种情况,有人做过这种情况下UL认证吗?可否share一下经验。