如题疑问? 我司产品是灯具, 节日灯具. 新接触这个能效问题, 请问这个能效评级是否有标准,分享一下,谢谢!!! 难道没有哪位知道吗?? 谢谢~~ So far, EU just release nine regulations for ErP. Among of these regulations, only two of them related to lighting products:- 244/2009 is applying to the Non-directional Lamp Bulb
- 245/2009 is applying to Ballast and Ballast Luminaires
As we know so a few about your product, it is difficult for us to make comments. May you give us more information about your product? 我有找我吧 灯具类的能效标签根据EC98/11/EC进行计算,不过有些灯管豁免,如4W以下灯管,反光灯,流明超过6500的等等,如需进一步信息,请留言。