新手中的老手拜请各位前辈解惑我的宝贝产品是LED灯管 内置电源 电路极其简单:交流输入 整流后 通过2三极管 Q1基极和集电极之间240V 驱动80LEDs,Q2射极电阻并1000uF电容。
请问:1此灯管工作频率如何定义 是否为半波整流频率100HZ
2 如此灯具属于RF lighting 吗?
3此灯管做FCC part 15 还是part 18
做doc 什么叫doc及voc呀,期待前辈解说。TKS! Although the LED tube can use the FCC DoC (Declaration of confirmity), none of the China lab is qualified to perform the test and issue the DoC according to the FCC Regulation. If you would like to have DoC for your LED tube, perhaps, you have to hire the HK or other overseas laboratory.
On the other hand, you may also consider the FCC Certification. That means you may apply a FCC ID for your LED tube. However, the cost and lead time is longer than the DoC ones.