电源线的接线处导体-----------是否可以焊焊锡?Examples of methods deemed efficient to prevent a wire from becoming detached are:
a) wires are retained by a cord anchorage adjacent to the terminals;
b) conductor is clamped by a spring type screwless terminal;
c) the wire conductor is anchored to the tag before soldering, unless breakage close to the soldering place is likely
to occur as a result of vibration;
d) wires are twisted together in a reliable manner;
e) wires are fastened together by insulation tape, sleeves, or the like;
f) the wire conductor is inserted into a hole in a printed board, bent and soldered, the hole having a diameter
slightly greater than the conductor;
g) the wire conductor is securely wrapped around the terminal by means of a special tool (see Figure 19);
h) the wire conductor is crimped to the terminal by means of a special tool (see Figure 19).
The methods under a) to h) apply to internal wiring and the methods under a) and b) to rewireable external flexible
以上是摘自标准EN60598,,,里面的 A,B 适用于外部电线,这样说应该是不可以的------------------------------------各位看如何呢? 可以的,以前我们有款产品就是焊接的,主要是牢固和满足产品的条件测试,楼主:你的产品是什么? 得好好学习英语了阿!!! EN60598--------------欧洲灯饰标准
这里讲的是灯的电源线接线端 可以焊锡,但只能在端部焊一点,应为锡有个特性及随着温度变化其硬度会变化,尤其是在低温状态现会出现锡灰现象,影响连接可靠性 引用第4楼wangjb于2009-12-28 07:43发表的:
4楼正解,一般情况下很少使用焊锡来连接的 焊锡使用时,需要辅助的可靠的导体固定方式。 电源线端需要用卡扣固定铜线,防止铜线分开,最后在将其用钩焊的方式固定到PCB上 学习了,这个点碰到过 之前碰到的案例,好像在焊锡之前将两股线先扭在一起,再焊锡是可以接受的.