想请问一下,美规灯具中,对于固定灯具的吊重测试是怎样的方式?还有吊线灯的吊重测试又是怎样的方式? 吊重是承重支点的四倍,线吊灯也一样. 16.15 Loading16.15.1 A supporting device shall support a load equal to four times the total mass to be supported under
intended operating conditions for 1 h. The load shall be applied in the direction of actual loading
16.15.2 Where more than one support is provided, the load shall be distributed as follows:
(a) where the parts supported are no more than 11.3 kg (25 lb), the full load shall be applied to
each support; or
(b) where the parts supported are more than 11.3 kg (25 lb), the distribution of the load shall
be similar to that encountered in the field.
16.15.3 There shall be no deflection or deformation either during or after loading that reduces electrical
spacings or compromises safety. 灯体重量的四倍----------来做吊重测试 2楼的有中文的吗?英文认识的不多! 是3倍吧,我公司是原重的3倍 16.15 负载
16.15.1 支撑装置应支承相当于4倍总重量的负载的工作条件下1小时,负载应施加在实际负载施 加力的方向上
16.15.2 提供多个支撑的位置,负载应如下分布:
a)被支承部件不大于11.3 kg (25 lb),全部负载应作用于每个支承点;或
b)被支承部件大于11.3 kg (25 lb), 负载的分布应参考类似的现场安装情况
16.15.3 在负载试验期间和之后,不应有使电气间隙或安全降低的偏差或变形出现
这是中文版的原文 楼上说的是正确的哥们 没有要求试验后吊线拉出的限制吗? 谢谢,以前还有点疑问,现在终于知道了!