liyongyi 发表于 2007-9-14 13:52



火神 发表于 2007-9-14 14:18


jsh863csh 发表于 2007-9-14 19:20

红叶 发表于 2007-9-14 22:01

可以看看 IEC60598-1的 For wiring which is connected to the fixed wiring via an internal current-limiting device
and limiting the current to 2 A maximum, e.g. lamp current control device, circuit cut-outs,
fuses, protective impedance or isolating transformers, the following is applicable
– the minimum cross-sectional area which may be less than 0,4 mm2 shall be selected in
relation to the maximum current during normal operating conditions and the time and level
of the current flowing during failure conditions, owing to the fact that overheating of the wire
insulation shall be prevented under any condition;

wwnw_007 发表于 2007-9-15 08:39

引用第3楼红叶于2007-09-14 22:01发表的:
可以看看 IEC60598-1的 For wiring which is connected to the fixed wiring via an internal current-limiting device
and limiting the current to 2 A maximum, e.g. lamp current control device, circuit cut-outs,
fuses, protective impedance or isolating transformers, the following is applicable
– the minimum cross-sectional area which may be less than 0,4 mm2 shall be selected in

liyongyi 发表于 2007-9-15 09:56


guxinnong 发表于 2007-10-11 18:32


cableyzf 发表于 2007-10-12 09:53

1 首先查出你的灯的额定功率W1
2 根据W=UI=U*U/R换算出R,即导线电阻值R1,那么这个R1是根据额定功率计算出的,也就是说此电阻是你选择线的最大导体电阻,如果大于此值,则在实际使用中,你的功率会不足
3 再查出灯的最大允许功率W2,循环第二个步骤,即可得出线的最小电阻值R2.如果小于此电阻值,则可能会引起过载
4 再测量一下你的导线的长度(是回路长度),根据R=17.241*1.01*L/S,就可以得到你的S1和S2
5 知道了截面范围你自己就选择一个合适的截面吧
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