ASTM 利边测试
如图所示,我觉得图中的缝隙(洞)周围的边需要做利边测试,是可接触的,请问如何做呢?用手摸一下还是把它拆下来用利边测试仪做测试呢?用手摸一下有没有什么依据或者评判标准呢?谢谢 没看到图片 呵呵,忘记上传了,谢谢提醒 可以把锋利边剪下来试,<怎样好测试就怎样剪> 如果可接触到就可以将它剪下来测试是否是利边。手摸当然不可行,因为这个利边是要用利边仪来判断是否为sharp edge的。(不像木头的木刺可以用手来感觉一下) 引用第4楼jason_steel于2009-11-04 18:22发表的:
手摸当然不可行,因为这个利边是要用利边仪来判断是否为sharp edge的。(不像木头的木刺可以用手来感觉一下)
剪下来做利边仪测试,标准 恩,谢谢hewei,我在16 cfr 1500.49(d)(2)(ii)看到如下這句話,就是说需要拆开样品来做可接触边缘的利边测试,问题是最后一句shall be performed with the edge supported,edge supported是指什么呢?是不是随便找个支撑物来支撑拆下来的边缘就可以了呢??谢谢
Part of the test sample may need to be removed to allow the sharp edge testing device to test an edge that is accessible by the criteria of paragraph (c) of this section. Such dismantling of the test sample could affect the rigidity of the edge in question. The sharp edge test shall be performed with the edge supported so that its stiffness approximates but is not greater than the edge stiffness in the assembled sample.
引用第6楼peterxu于2009-11-04 18:34发表的:
恩,谢谢hewei,我在16 cfr 1500.49(d)(2)(ii)看到如下這句話,就是说需要拆开样品来做可接触边缘的利边测试,问题是最后一句shall be performed with the edge supported,edge supported是指什么呢?是不是随便找个支撑物来支撑拆下来的边缘就可以了呢??谢谢
Part of the test sample may need to be removed to allow the sharp edge testing device to test an edge that is accessible by the criteria of paragraph (c) of this section. Such dismantling of the test sample could affect the rigidity of the edge in question. The sharp edge test shall be performed with the edge supported so that its stiffness approximates but is not greater than the edge stiffness in the assembled sample.
可以随便找个夹具支撑拆下来的边缘,但注意:在支撑边缘时不能增加原来边缘的刚性强度, 用手的话只能做一个初步的判断,没有标准 引用第7楼hewei于2009-11-04 19:34发表的: