关于ASTM F 963警告语
有一款玩具警告语用框线框住了,但周围的图案有一个角插入了边框一点,也就是一个小小的角穿过了框线,这样可以判FAIL吗?谢谢 可以判为Fail,因为有要求警告语不能遮住图案。 不用FAIL吧又没遮住文字 如上图所示 PASS
都没盖住字体 感觉还可以,看你自己把握了. 严格来说会fail
标准5.11.1.2The statement required by 5.11 must appear on at least two lines and appear on a solid baackground and be separated from all other graphic material by a space no smaller than the minimum allowable hight of the type size for "other cautionary material" .If not separated by that distance, the labeling statements must be surrounded by a border line.
你这个border line 根本没起到作用,所以会fail 支持楼上标准学到了