安规mark 铭板标贴要求 汇总
最近在整理不同安规mark在铭板上的标贴要求,给大家一起分享一下。韩国认证KC mark
Contents of Marking
① KC mark
② Certification number(or application no. of "Confirmation Letter of Declaration")
③ Product Name (It shall be written in Korean.)
④ Model name
⑤ Input Rating
⑥ Manufacturer Name
⑦ mark for double insulation appliances http://www.keti.or.kr/eng/images/test_01_text07_04.gif
⑧ Rate input time if the input period of products is short
⑨ Production date (e.g. year and month of the production date or lot number)
⑩ Phone number of service provider (It shall be located in Korea.)
⑪ EMI or EMI/EMS Mark (Optional)
12 新要求
전기용품안전관리법에 의한 표시
Marking method
① The size of the mark can be autonomously oriented with the size of the product
② The mark shall well be adhered, printed on the product and its container to be easily recognized.
③ The certification body name "KTL" or "KETI"(optional) and the safety certification number shall be indicated under the safety certification mark, and items that required in the safety standards or ATS defines shall additionally remarked in Korean or English language.
④ The color of the mark is normally Black.
韩国认证能效 mark
UL mark 基础要求
一 Listing Mark 5要件
1) UL c UL 以及c UL us的形状比例需符合UL mark 的标准图面(Aartwork)“c”及“us”的字体必须是HelveticaCondensed Black ,,®的尺寸最小为3/64英寸,UL mark的总直径小于3/8英寸的时候R可省略
2)LISTED 需大写,且形状比例及位置需符合UL mark 的标准图面(Aartwork)字体必须是Helvetica Condensed Black
3)control number 或/和file number 和listee's name 依照UL 工厂检验细则procedure内描述
4)Product identity:产品名称须和procedure内描述相同或相似
5)如果该产品同时符合其他ULcategories,可以添加 “ALSO LISTED AS (PRODUCT IDENTITY)”
二Classification Mark 4要件
1) UL c UL 以及c UL us 的形状比例需符合UL mark 的标准图面(Aartwork)“c”及“us”的字体必须是HelveticaCondensed Black ,®的尺寸最小为3/64英寸,UL mark的总直径小于3/8英寸的时候R可省略
2)CLASSIFIED 需大写,且形状比例及位置需符合UL mark 的标准图面(Aartwork)
3)control number 或/和file number 和listee's name 依照UL 工厂检验细则procedure内描述
4)Product identity:产品名称须和procedure内描述相同或相似
UL 上述标志使用之前是需要到UL标签中心确认过并盖许可章后才可以使用的,大陆这边可以到广州UL进行确认。
1) Recognized Company’s identification
需要列出认可公司名字和商标或UL 认可的商标名称
2)Catalog, model or other product designation
3)Where Rebuilt products are authorized in individual Test Reports, the word “REBUILT", "REMANUFACTURED", or "RECONDITIONED", as appropriate.
4)UL mark(可选的)®的尺寸最小为3/64英寸,UL mark的总直径小于3/8英寸的时候R可省略 日本PSE mark
1) Mandatory Mark to be affixed on Category A product
2) Name of Authorized (Approved) conformity assessment body
3) Name of Notifying Importer
4) Rated voltage, etc.
1) Mandatory Mark to be affixed on Category A product
2) Name of Notifying Importer
3) Rated voltage, etc.
香港HKSI mark
1. The Mark can be enlarged or reduced with its ratio remaining unchanged.
Where limitations of space prevent the use of the Mark in the minimum size (i.e. 5mm in width or height), request to use a Mark of smaller dimensions will be considered by HKSI on the basis of legibility.
2. Generally, the Hong Kong Safety Mark is combined with the marking details that include the organization’s name/trade name/ trademark or HKSI License Number*and should be placed adjacent to the model’s identity as far as possible.
** When the HKSI License Number is used in lieu of the organization’s name or
equivalent, it must be adjacent to the Hong Kong Safety Mark. HKSI License
Numbers are recorded in the “Directory of HKSI Certified Products”.
3. The Mark generally appears as a label affixed adjacent to the brand, model no., rating plate, etc. of the certified product. Besides, manufacturers may also mould or embody
the Mark on the products.
4. Where the Hong Kong Safety Mark is permitted to appear on a product by a
separate marking medium, the organization’s name or equivalent, or HKSI License Number shall be included in the design of the separate marking medium.
5.The Hong Kong Safety Mark can be reproduced in black, blue (Pantone 540) or
6.Products applying for Hong Kong EMC Mark should, in the first
instance, prove to be safety compliant. Thus, products certified to the Hong Kong EMC Mark will get a License comprising both the EMC and safety test compliance certificates.
新加坡 PSB mark
The SAFETY Mark comprises of a safety logo enclosed in a square on the left and the word “SAFETY MARK” enclosed in a rectangle on the right. Below the logo is a unique certification number traceable to the registrant. The colour used is Pantone 287C Blue Colour XX = year of certification (e.g. 01 for year 2001)
YYYY = serial number (e.g. 1234)
ZZ = CAB identity code (e.g. 11 for CAB ‘A”)
1 SAFETY Mark without Contrasting Background
(e.g. embossed on body of controlled goods)
The safety logo, letters and certification number shall be of raised or lowered depth of not less than 0.51 mm.
The SAFETY Mark (consisting of both the safety logo and the word “SAFETY MARK”) shall have a height of not less than 9.5 mm. The certification number shall have a height of not less than 2.8 mm. Any SAFETY Mark with dimension smaller than the above has to be approved by the Safety Authority.
2 SAFETY Mark with Contrasting Background
(e.g. silk screened on body of controlled goods or printed on rating labels or carton boxes or as standalone adhesive labels)
The SAFETY Mark (consisting of both the safety logo and the word “SAFETY MARK”) shall have a height of not less than 6.0 mm. The certification number shall have a height of not less than 1.6 mm. Any SAFETY Mark with dimension smaller than the above has to be approved by the Safety Authority.
3 Points for adherence
a) The SAFETY Mark shall be fully reproduced with the safety logo enclosed in a square on the left, the word “SAFETY MARK” enclosed in a rectangle on the right and the certification number traceable to the registrant across the bottom.
b) The SAFETY Mark can be embossed or silk screened on any coloured material or printed with the same colour used for rating labels or carton box markings. When printed as standalone adhesive labels, the colour of the safety logo, the background for the word “SAFETY MARK” and the certification number is Pantone 287C Blue Colour.
c) The SAFETY Mark shall be easily discernible on the controlled goods.
d) The SAFETY Mark shall be indelible and legible. The marking shall not be removed when rubbed lightly with a piece of cloth soaked with petroleum, spirit or water.
e) Rating labels or standalone adhesive labels with the SAFETY Mark shall not come loose or curled at the edges.
f) Please refer to the bromide provided by the Safety Authority for size relationship between the safety logo and the word “SAFETY MARK”. They could be enlarged or reduced proportionately and still meet the size requirements stipulated in point (1) and (2), depending on whether the background is non-contrasting or contrasting.
一.UL 1310 adaptor 要求
Application -
1. Markings are molded, die-stamped, paint-stenciled, stamped or etched in metal or indelibly stamped or printed on pressure-sensitive label secured by adhesive.
2. Unless otherwise specified, pressure sensitive labels which contain any of the required markings shall be R/C (PGDQ2) suitable for minimum 80°C and for the surface material or finish to which adhered.
Product Marking - All units shall be marked with the following.
1. Listee's name or trademark as specified in Note 1 below.
2. Model designation.
3. Electrical ratings, including input voltage or voltage range, input frequency and, if specified in the individual Reports, input amperes, volt-amperes or wattage rating.Additionally, output voltage in ac or dc and output current in amperes, volt-amperes or watts shall be marked, unless the unit is a battery charger marked for use with a specific battery pack.
4. Output polarity (Note 2).
5. Date code (Note 3).
6. Factory identification if applicable.
7. Product Identification and Use.A unit shall be marked with one of the following terms, as applicable.See individual Reports.
a)"Class 2 Battery Charger,"
b)"Class 2 Transformer,"
c)"Class 2 Power Supply," or
d)"Class 2 Power Unit."
Note 1: The following marking or trademark may be used to identify the Listee:
Note 2: The polarity of a direct current output shall be plainly marked unless the unit is provided with a polarized output termination.
Note 3: Date Code - Consist of:4 Digit Code, First 2 represent the week, the last 2 represent the year of manufacture.Example: 2395 = Twenty third week of 1995 中国CCC mark 要求
1. 使用由认监委指定生产企业生产的标准规格认证标志;
2. 企业在获得批准后自行将标志印刷/模压在产品本体,铭牌或包装上。
5. 获得认证的产品可以在产品外包装上加施认证标志
1. 对于自行模压/印刷CCC标志需经批准后方可使用,批准有效期为一年,有效期后如未进行年审申请,不得继续使用CCC标志
2. 工厂需要建立认证标志的使用和管理制度,对认证标志的使用情况如实记录和存档;
3. 除安全玻璃,轮胎,汽车零部件,摩托车零部件,电线电缆等5类产品外,其他企业在申请自行模压/印刷时无需加注CCC认证工厂代码信息。
4. 产品标识应当清晰、牢固,易于识别
5. 产品标识应当有产品名称。产品名称应当表明产品的真实属性。
8.国内生产的合格产品应当附有产品质量检验合格证明 IRAM 阿根廷 mark
根据认证方式不同SICyM-IRAM 共有3种mark
1. IRAM markIRAM 标志
(when an IRAM standard is applied)
2. IRAM safety mark IRAM 安全标志
(when an IRAM or IEC standard exclusively related with safety is applied)
3. IRAM certification of conformity with manufactureIRAM 生产符合标志
when an IEC or another foreign standard recoginzed or by IRAM or by the official dispositions is applied
铭牌上要用西班牙文 体现产品名称规格警语等参数。
我手上目前只有IRAM safety mark 的artwork 档案。如果需要可以下载
请问各位大虾,这句话怎么理解? 中国台湾 CS MARK要求
根据台湾商品检验标识使用办法最新的修正案里说明,台湾商品检验标识 已更名为中文“商品安全表章”,英文为Commodity Safety Mark简称 CS mark
1.验证登陆产品(R字轨+指定代码) 适用电器、消防、电子、计算机信息产品、建筑装修、瓦斯器材、婴儿用品、电动手工具、玩具、壁挂式陶瓷脸盆及个人防护用具等。
1. 具有包装者,于最小单位包装标示之。
2. 无包装或其包装不适宜标示者,以系挂方式标示之。
3. 包装标示或系挂均不适宜者,置放于包装内。
4. 以其它经标准检验局核准之方式标示之。