高手指点下IEC类插头摇摆测试标准,电压电流参照标准。 IEC 60884 标准在论坛搜索一下 The flexible cable is loaded with a mass such that the force applied is– 20 N for accessories with flexible cables having a nominal cross-sectional area exceeding
0,75 mm2;
– 10 N for other accessories.
A current equal to the rated current of the accessory or the following current, whichever is the
lower, is passed through the conductors:
– 16 A for accessories with flexible cables having a nominal cross-sectional area larger than
0,75 mm2;
– 10 A for accessories with flexible cables having a nominal cross-sectional area of
0,75 mm2;
– 2,5 A for accessories with flexible cables having a nominal cross-sectional area less than
0,75 mm2.
The voltage between the conductors is equal to the rated voltage of the specimen.
The oscillating member is moved through an angle of 90° (45° on either side of the vertical),
the number of flexings being 10 000 and the rate of flexing 60/min.
NOTE 4 A flexing is one movement, either backwards or forwards.
60884-1 IEC:2002+A1:2006 对应不同的产品测试要求有差异。