关于FCC part15 问题,比较低级请勿见笑!
请问各位大侠,FCC part 15中的测试电压是额定电压还是额定电压的1.1倍。标准内容帮忙摘抄一下,非常感谢! 85%-115% rated input supply voltage 呵呵,相互学习呀! 学心了 FCC 15.31(e)For intentional radiators, measurements of the variation of the input power or the radiated signal level of the fundamental frequency component of the emission, as appropriate, shall be performed with the supply voltage varied between 85% and 115% of the nominal rated supply voltage. For battery operated equipment, the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.[譯] 針對 發射機,量測 輸入功率的變化或是 主波幅射位準時, 需要在額定電壓的 85% ~ 115%間進行測試. 使用電池的設備, 需要全新的電池進行測試 谢谢!
麻烦了前几天的钱白花了。还好不是我的钱。呵呵! 了解了,谢谢!