ASTM F 963 08物理機械問題
F 963裡有規定做玩具物理機械測試需要有4小時的恆溫恆濕的預處理過程嗎?我找了下好象沒有找到,謝謝 没有这方面的要求。只有EN71-2燃烧测试需要预平衡。 請問什麼是预平衡。 CPSC1500.50(b)Application—general.
(4) Prior to testing, each sample shall be subjected to a temperature of 73°±3 °F. (23°±2 °C.) as a relative humidity of 20−70 percent for a period of at least 4 hours. The toy testing shall commence within five minutes after the toy has been removed from the preconditioning atmosphere. 謝謝樓上的,我就在找這個:) 实验室做测试要做这个預處理的,我们已通过了CNAS认可。