wjlove12 发表于 2009-7-8 16:43

还是没有看到以上的语句 , 8.6节是乘座椅区域测试 , 8.5、7.6 、附件I,J是剎车装置的要求及测试方法 , 不过我没看到 .

冰火焰情 发表于 2009-7-8 18:07

各位做童车的,送点童车给我们家 宝宝啊,呵呵。

hansonzou 发表于 2009-7-8 18:52

10楼, 你看的标准是英文版还是中文版, 还是上面的要求是在2007年的修订版上, 原文如下:
8.6 Parking brake
Vehicles shall have one or more types of parking device that limit movement of the vehicle, as specified in Clause 9.6.2. The release mechanism of any parking device shall be located so that it is not accessible to a child while the child is properly restrained in the vehicle. (See Note to Clause 8.5)

There shall be a manual parking brake.

NOTE: Manufactures should considered in addition an automatic parking brake to prevent strollers running away when parents have not applied the manual parking brake.

The colour of the parking brake-actuator shall be red. The surrounding frame work and mouldings shall be a contrasting colour.

beavercool 发表于 2009-7-8 20:49

你们讲的是AS/NZS 2088 :2008版的要求
准确的说是澳洲官方关于婴儿车的强制贸易要求,是在AS/NZS 2088 :2000版的基础上修订的

DOCTORO 发表于 2009-7-9 08:29

引用第13楼beavercool于2009-07-08 20:49发表的:
你们讲的是AS/NZS 2088 :2008版的要求
准确的说是澳洲官方关于婴儿车的强制贸易要求,是在AS/NZS 2088 :2000版的基础上修订的

请问,有没有正式发布啊,AS/NZS 2088 :2008版,如果有的话,马上叫公司购买,outdate的标准麻烦多。

xiaoxiangtongzi 发表于 2009-7-9 16:55

引用第11楼冰火焰情于2009-07-08 18:07发表的:
各位做童车的,送点童车给我们家 宝宝啊,呵呵。

冰火焰情 发表于 2009-7-9 16:58


hansonzou 发表于 2009-7-9 17:35

Please visit the following websit to get know the details:


It says the AS/NZS 2088:2000 had been updated and published on 26 Feb 2009;

jason_steel 发表于 2009-7-9 17:54


wjlove12 发表于 2009-7-10 09:58

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