普通橡皮刷美国看SMALL PART吗?
普通的很平常用的那种橡皮刷,在美国是否豁免小物件? 您好,應該沒有。 橡皮刷、削笔牙这些都是文具,个人觉得不算小物件 要看这个橡皮擦是什么样子的, 如果做成水果型、食物型或有特殊气味,对小孩有吸引力的话,就要注意small Part,而且还要做艺术材料测试。 如果它附带在婴幼儿玩具中销售也算是吧 橡皮不是玩具 是文具,不是small Part ASTM F963-20084.6.1.2
The following articles are exempt from the requirements: balloons; books and other paper articles; writing materials (crayons, chalk, pencils, and pens); phonograph records and compact discs (CDs); modeling clay and similar products; and fingerpaints, watercolors, and other paint sets. A listing of exempt articles is provided in 16 CFR 1501.3.
16 CFR 1501.3 Exemptions.
The following articles are exempt from this regulation (§§1500.18(a)(9) and 1501.4 below):
(a) Balloons;
(b) Books and other articles made of paper;
(c) Writing materials such as crayons, chalk, pencils, and pens;
(d) Children's clothing and accessories, such as shoe lace holders and buttons;
(e) Grooming, feeding, and hygiene products, such as diaper pins and clips, barrettes, toothbrushes, drinking glasses, dishes and eating utensils;
(f) Phonograph records;
(g) Modeling clay and similar products;
(h) Fingerpaints, watercolors, and other paint sets;
(i) Rattles (as defined at 16 CFR 1510.2); and
(j) Pacifiers (as defined at 16 CFR 1511.2(a)).
仅供参考 Thnaks a lot.
说橡皮擦跟蜡笔、粉笔的特性相同,不判为小部件也说得过去, 就看自己观点。