UL758老化实验求助:UL758电子线对老化实验试样制备的要求,是模具切冲还是管状?按照1581对43类绝缘的理解,应该是两者都可以,但是如果两者实验结果有分歧的时候,应该以哪个为准呢?望高手指教! UL 758中有規定
14.2 Five specimens each are to be tested in both unaged and air oven aged conditions. Jackets from
cables less than 0.200 inches (5.08 mm) in core diameter may be tested tubular. Jackets from cables
larger than 0.200 inches in core diameter shall be tested die-cut. When testing is to be conducted in
accordance with Long-Term Aging, Section 481 of UL 1581, six specimens shall be tested. 学习当中. 谢谢stevenyu 指教。明白了,我的标准是2000版本的 没有上面内容。搜索才知道2006版本就有说明。非常感谢