susan.yuan 发表于 2009-3-19 09:43

kirk630330 发表于 2009-3-19 09:48

想請問樓主, 所謂的認證是否包括了CUL在內, 還是僅有CSA, 而登記並註冊時是否需要費用, 會否有其它的年費或廠檢之產生.

susan.yuan 发表于 2009-3-19 09:59

ninger86 发表于 2009-3-19 10:08


susan.yuan 发表于 2009-3-19 10:25

DavidChiu 发表于 2009-3-23 10:45


DavidChiu 发表于 2009-3-23 11:15


DavidChiu 发表于 2009-3-25 09:49


You provided several examples in your email. They were PC, Notebook, LDC monitor, TV...........; all of these products are examples of consumer electrical products. All require certification by an accredited regulatory body (i.e. CSA, cUL, cETL, etc) and therefore, if those products were examples of what your company manufactures, then your company will be required to register commencing April 1st, 2009. This is providing that your company is the legal entity owning the certification (i.e. CSA, cUL, cETL, etc.)

To ensure you are required to register with ESA, you'll have to ask yourself a few questions;

-are we the manufacturer of electrical products?

-are these products available for sale in Ontario?

-are this products certified by an accredited regulatory body (i.e. CSA, cUL, cETL, etc)?

-are we the legal entity owning the file with the regulatory body?

Don't be too concerned about what type of electrical product you manufacture, i.e. consumer, commercial, industrial, etc. because Regulation 438/07 is not concerned with that. Regulation 438/07 is concerned with the registration of the manufacturers of electrical products available for sale in Ontario, regardless of the type of electrical product(s) in order to create a database with the information of manufacturers.

demon_life 发表于 2009-4-14 15:49

從2009/04/01起 加拿大電力安全局規定所有將銷售電器產品至加拿大安大略省的廠商,都必須向電力安全局註冊,並且必須於 2009 /08/30前完成註冊。

假如我的产品预计 2010年12月份销售到加拿大安大略省,那我也有必要在 8/30号之前提出注册需求吗?
还是我在 12月份之前提出注册申请就可以了呢?


demon_life 发表于 2009-4-15 09:13

我昨天发邮件过去问了,只要你的产品有机会销售到加拿大 都是有可能进入安大略省的,所以还是要注册的,真是人家的地盘人家说了算~

If there is any possibility of your products ending up for sale in Ontario, you must register with ESA prior to August 30th, 2009.

If you are not going to register you MUST instruct your distributors that your products MUST NOT be offered in Ontario. If your products somehow make it to Ontario and you have decided NOT to register, your products, despite being certified will all be deemed unapproved in Ontario.

If there is ANY chance that products that you manufacture will end up in Ontario, we suggest that you register with ESA. The registration fee is $350 and covers all products under the scope of this new Regulation.
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