Dissolve approximately 0,1 % by mass of analytical reagent grade anhydrous ammoniumchloride (NH4Cl), of a purity of not less than 99,8 %, in de-ionized water, having a conductivity
of not greater than 1 mS/m to give a resistivity of (3,95 ± 0,05) Ωm at (23 ± 1) °C.
NOTE 1 Select the quantity of ammonium chloride to give a solution in the required range of resistivity.
主要是第一句,到底是要配制质量分数为0.1%的溶液,还是要用质量分数为0.1%的NH4CL来配制溶液.谢谢! 用质量分数为0.1%的NH4CL来配制溶液 用NH4CL来配制质量分数为0.1%溶液