电池CE EMC认证问题
后来我在官方找了一下资料,2004/108/EC Art (9) page 1表示如下:
This Directive need not regulate equipment which is inherently benign in terms of electromagnetic compat-ibility.
对于这个inherently benign 不是很了解,后又在guide of 2004/108/EC page 14中找到如下文:
1.1.4Inherently benign equipment
Equipment which is inherently benign in terms of electromagnetic
compatibility is excluded from the scope of the EMC Directive .
Equipment is considered inherently benign in terms of electromagnetic
compatibility if:
*its inherent physical characteristics are such that it is incapable of
generating or contributing to electromagnetic emissions which
exceed a level allowing radio and telecommunications equipment
and other equipment to operate as intended; and,
*it will operate without unacceptable degradation in the presence of
the electromagnetic disturbance normally present in its intended
Both conditions need to be met in order to classify equipment as inherently
The application of the above enables the exclusion of the following
equipment (not exclusive) from the application of the EMC Directive,
provided that they include no active electronic part(s):
–Cables and cabling , cables accessories, considered separately;
–Equipment containing only resistive loads without any
automatic switching device; e.g. simple domestic heaters with
no controls, thermostat, or fan;
–Batteries and accumulators (without active electronic circuits);
–Headphones, loudspeakers without amplification;
–Pocket lamps without active electronic circuits.
–Protection equipment whichonly produces transitory
disturbances of short duration during the clearing of a short-
英文不是很好,但据我所知,从以上可以看到电池在(without active electronic circuits)的前提确实是不需要做CE EMC认证的,但为何检测机构却都说要做(骗钱?),而且同行很多也都去做那无意义、任何电池都能过的EMC认证?(骗中国消费者?)
请各位前辈能否详细解释下电池到底是否需要CE EMC认证?如果不需要,是否存在欧盟其他指令针对电池的(2006/66/EC及被其取代指令除外,这个一般都知道),如果没有的话,那电池是否不能印上CE标记? 大家 互相学习~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 针对一类产品只有一份指令,你应该察看电池指令中有没有emc的要求 电池不用做CE-EMC认证。 那对于电池类产品,其电身或包装上能否印上CE标志? 一般是不需要做的吧 我也认为确实不用做的。 从你提供的文章来看是不需要的。
国内的人做的话有可能是因为没有仔细研究!就跟着做! 呵呵 带有保护电路的电池 还是要做一做的 有的电池保护板可能不过
最近刚接触到 一般电池都是配整机买的,如果整机有做EMC的话,你就拿整机的报告用于电池就可以了。