遇到一个问题很久了,不知道该发到机械类还是电动工具类。如果有一个空压机的气罐很小,那么还有必要提供安全阀,排水阀吗? 还是需要的 不管多小 还是属于压力容器范畴 查看 CSA NO 68 and UL 1450 1楼错误,欧洲简单压力容器是否涵盖是依压力大小(BAR)乘以储气罐容积(L)是否大于50来确定的.
关于美规的,可以参考CSA NO 68 and UL 1450的35~37节写得很明白.
35.1.8 When the unit is in its normal operating position, the drain hole shall be provided in the lowest portion of a pressure vessel. The hole shall be a threaded hole of not smaller than 1/4-inch NPT and shall be provided with a removable plug or piping to a drain cock. The system shall have provision for gravity or pressure drainage of the vessel.
36.5 A vessel having an inside diameter of more than 3 inches (76 mm) and subject to air or steam pressure generated or stored within the product shall be protected by a pressure-relief device.
37.1 A compressor system with an air-holding tank shall be provided with:
a) A pressure-regulating control switch that complies with the requirements in 37.2, to limit
pressure build-up within the tank;
Exception: A switch need not be provided on a product that uses other means of limiting tank
pressure, such as an air dumping valve or a compressor design that inherently limits pressure.
b) A pressure gauge or other equivalent device to indicate when pressure is retained within the
tank. A product with a pressure indicator that is not calibrated in pressure units shall be marked
in accordance with 61.1.9. 空压机储罐本身就是压力容器。《特种设备安全监察条例》第九十九条明确:压力容器,是指盛装气体或者液体,承载一定压力的密闭设备,其范围规定为最高工作压力大于或者等于0.1MPa(表压),且压力与容积的乘积大于或者等于2.5MPa•L的气体、液化气体和最高工作温度高于或者等于标准沸点的液体的固定式容器和移动式容器;盛装公称工作压力大于或者等于0.2MPa(表压),且压力与容积的乘积大于或者等于1.0MPa•L的气体、液化气体和标准沸点等于或者低于60℃液体的气瓶;氧舱等。
JBt6539-1992微型空气压缩机用钢制压力容器.pdf 还有:GB10892-2005固定的空气压缩机安全规则和操作规程。GB10892-2005固定的空气压缩机安全规则和操作规程.pdf