wqh002 发表于 2009-1-6 10:59


上個月我司在HK做了一款單電壓輸入AC/DC ADAPTOR的MEPS測試,發現認証公司出的測試報告上的輸入電壓是240V。查看最新的FACT SHEET(OCTOBER 2008)應該為230V輸入測試,但是翻看標准AS/NZS 4665.1:2005的2.5條TEST VOLTAGE中確實有一條Where the EUT nameplate input voltage is 240V only, the test voltage shall be 240V at 50Hz。好像用240V測試也對。正在迷糊中,認証公司回復了以下信息:We understand that the input voltage in the standard requirement of MEPS is 230V AC, however, we found the input power marked on adaptor is 240V AC. In general, we conduct tests in the worst situation which is 240V AC in this case. Please note that 240V AC covers both Australia and New Zealand markets. Therefore, we will not revise our report for such case.

angel1981 发表于 2009-1-7 15:36


wqh002 发表于 2009-1-8 15:38


angel1981 发表于 2009-1-9 09:00


pater2730 发表于 2009-1-9 09:29

我覺得這個認證公司回答有問題, 澳規能源標準上有:

pater2730 发表于 2009-1-9 09:30

MEPS and High Efficiency performance requirements apply at 230 Vac only

pater2730 发表于 2009-1-9 09:32

還有澳洲能源效率測試方法,也是根據美國的EPA方法測試, 測試方法上有一條:
If testing at both conditions is not possible, the UUT shall be tested at one of the above voltage and frequency combinations that is closest to its nameplate input voltage and frequency.

wuybpujr 发表于 2009-1-9 22:41

请把最新的FACT SHEET读完,在6页有讲如果额定标240伏,就用240伏做测试,如果标230伏,就用230伏!

wqh002 发表于 2009-1-13 10:20

Sorry,FACT SHEET我前前後後左左右右看了幾遍都沒有看到有說可以用240V做測試的。除非我看的FACT SHEET(OCTOBER 2008)不是最新版。

angel1981 发表于 2009-1-13 10:57

230 V ac testing only
Australian and New Zealand MEPS and High Efficiency performance requirements and mandatory marking only require testing at 230 Va.c.The following table applies when tested for Australian and New Zealand requirements at 230 Va.c. only or if the external power supply has a 230 V ac nameplate voltage only.If the external power supply has a nameplate voltage of 240 Va.c. only, then it shall be tested at 240 Va.c.
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查看完整版本: 關於MEPS輸入電壓的回復是否正確?